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ReceivedCreditNote API

ReceivedCreditNoteGetGet received credit note by number.
ReceivedCreditNoteCreateCreate new received credit note.
ReceivedCreditNoteUpdateUpdate existing received credit note.
ReceivedCreditNoteDeleteDelete received credit note.
ReceivedCreditNoteListGet list of received credit notes for specified criteria.
ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentAddAdd attachment to received credit note.
ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentSetDefaultAdd attachment to received credit note and set is as default.
ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentGetGet default attachment of received credit note.
ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentListGet all attachments of received credit note.


Get received credit note by number.


numberSupplier number of received credit note.
internalNumberInternal number of received credit note.
dateDocument date.
costPositionCost position.
supplierSupplier name.
documentIDInternal document identificator. In case of using this parameter, no other parameter listed abowe is needed for searching by document.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteGet">
       <parameter name="number" value="678/2021" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
               <receivedAdvancecredit noteRef></receivedAdvancecredit noteRef>
               <supplier>4 Partner Foreign Company</supplier>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Cannot find received credit note for number: 055/11,  


Create new received credit note.


ReceivedCreditNoteReceived credit note's data in xml substructure.

Supported values for items inputVatTransactionType are:
0 - Purchase of goods and services //promet blaga in storitev
1 - Purchase of real estate //nabava nepremičnin
2 - Other fixed assets purchase //nabava ostalih osnovnih sredstev
3 - Intra-Community goods acquisitions //pridobitve blaga znotraj Skupnosti
4 - Tripartite intra-Community goods acquisitions //tristranske pridobitve blaga znotraj Skupnosti
5 - Intra-Community fixed assets acquisitions //pridobitve osn. sredstev znotraj Skupnosti
6 - Goods import from non-EU member countries //Uvoz blaga iz držav izven EU
7 - Fixed assets import from non-EU member countries //Uvoz osnovnih sredstev iz držav izven EU
8 - Purchase of good and services in Slovenia, VAT reverse charge //Nabave blaga in storitev v SLO, od katerih plača DDV prejemnik (76.a člen)
9 - Purchase of real estate in Slovenia, VAT reverse charge //Nabave nepremičnin v SLO, od katerih plača DDV prejemnik (76.a člen)
10- Purchase of other fixed assests in Slovenia, VAT reverse charge //Nabave drugih OS v SLO, od katerih plača DDV prejemnik (76.a člen)
11- Acquisition of real estate within the community //pridobitve nepremičnin znotraj Skupnosti
12- Acquisition of electronic services (reverse charge) //Pridobitev elektronskih storitev (samoobdavčitev)

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteCreate">
       <parameter name="ReceivedCreditNote">
               <amountWithVAT>689.000</amountWithVAT>  <!-- (Optional) amount with VAT in default currency
               <paymentAmount>689.000</paymentAmount>  <!-- (Mandatory) payment amount
               <paymentCurrency>EUR</paymentCurrency>  <!-- (Mandatory) payment currency
               <businessYear>2021</businessYear>       <!-- (Mandatory) business year of received credit note
               <costPosition>001</costPosition>        <!-- (Optional/Mandatory) cost center is optional in case mandatory entry is not set in company settings
               <date>2021-01-29</date>                 <!-- (Mandatory) date of received credit note          
               <number>678/2021</number>               <!-- (Mandatory) suppliers number of received credit note
               <paymentDueDate>2021-02-05</paymentDueDate>                          <!-- (Mandatory) payment due date
               <receivalDate>2021-01-29</receivalDate>                              <!-- (Mandatory) date of receival of document
               <dateOfSupplyFrom>2021-01-21</dateOfSupplyFrom>                      <!-- (Mandatory) date of supplay from
               <dateOfSupplyUntil>2021-02-21</dateOfSupplyUntil>                    <!-- (Optional)
               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>                  <!-- (Optional) settting if received document is inside scope of VAT
               <isReverseChargeVatDocument>false</isReverseChargeVatDocument>       <!-- (Optional) settting if received document is reverse charge. This and abowe option "isInsideTheScopeOfVat" exclude each other
               <methodOfPayment>CreditCard</methodOfPayment>                        <!-- (Mandatory) possible values: BankTransfer, Cash, CreditCard, Other
               <paymentBankAccountNumber>SI56 0000 1111 2222 333</paymentBankAccountNumber>    <!-- Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value BankTransfer is used
               <paymentReference>SI99</paymentReference>                            <!-- Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value BankTransfer is used
               <supplierBookingAccountNumber>26000</supplierBookingAccountNumber>   <!-- Mandatory in case "methodOfPayment" value Other is used
               <receivedAdvancecredit noteRef>9384-2021</receivedAdvancecredit noteRef>     <!-- (Optional) received advance credit note reference
               <roundingDifference>0.00</roundingDifference>                        <!-- (Optional)
               <supplierCode>666000</supplierCode>     <!-- (Mandatory) If supplier documentID specified, use this supplier identificator for referencing supplier on received document
               <supplierDocumentID>55:666</supplierDocumentID>     <!-- (Mandatory) If supplier code not specified, use this supplier identificator for referencing supplier on received document
                               <position>1</position>                                       <!-- (Optional) item position
                               <chartAccountNumber>00000</chartAccountNumber>               <!-- (Mandatory) account number
                               <costPosition>009</costPosition>                             <!-- (Optional) cost center code for referencing cost center on item
                               <description>OSOS</description>                              <!-- (Mandatory) description
                               <inputVatTransactionType>2</inputVatTransactionType>         <!-- (Mandatory) input VAT transaction type
                               <isInputVatDeductible>true</isInputVatDeductible>            <!-- (Optional) settting if received document items VAT is deducated
                               <vatDeductionPercentage>100,00</vatDeductionPercentage>      <!-- (Mandatory) if abowe option is used. Percentage of VAT that is being deducated must be entered
                               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>          <!-- (Optional) settting if received document item is inside scope of VAT. This and abowe option "isInputVatDeductible" exclude each other
                               <netAmount>689.000</netAmount>                               <!-- (Mandatory) net amount
                               <netAmountInDocumentCurrency>689.000</netAmountInDocumentCurrency>         <!-- (Optional) net amount id document currency
                               <vatPercentage>22.0</vatPercentage>                          <!-- (Optional) if this property is not present, default normal VAT rate is set
                               <position>2</position>                                       <!-- (Optional) item position
                               <productCode>000001</productCode>                            <!-- (Optional) if item with referenced product is added product code should be present in item definition
                               <chartAccountNumber>00000</chartAccountNumber>               <!-- (Mandatory) account number
                               <costPosition>009</costPosition>                             <!-- (Optional) cost center code for referencing cost center on item
                               <description>OSOS</description>                              <!-- (Mandatory) description
                               <inputVatTransactionType>2</inputVatTransactionType>         <!-- (Mandatory) input VAT transaction type
                               <isInputVatDeductible>true</isInputVatDeductible>            <!-- (Optional) settting if received document items VAT is deducated
                               <vatDeductionPercentage>100,00</vatDeductionPercentage>      <!-- (Mandatory) if abowe option is used. Percentage of VAT that is being deducated must be entered
                               <isInsideTheScopeOfVat>true</isInsideTheScopeOfVat>          <!-- (Optional) settting if received document item is inside scope of VAT. This and abowe option "isInputVatDeductible" exclude each other
                               <quantity>1</quantity>                                           <!-- (Mandatory) quantity
                               <price>100.00</price>                                                                    <!-- (Optional) product price, if not present, default purchase price of product is taken
                               <vatPercentage>22.0</vatPercentage>                          <!-- (Optional) if this property is not present, default normal VAT rate is set

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description="Received credit note for number: 055/11 already exists!><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" must be specified., missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges, Error creating received credit note


Update existing received credit note.


ReceivedCreditNoteReceived credit note data in xml substructure

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteUpdate">
       <parameter name="ReceivedCreditNote">
               <!--  Parameters are identical to the parameters in ReceivedCreditNoteCreate api

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/> <!-- Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 055/11, missing mandatory attributes, invalid values, no privileges,  


Delete received credit note.


numberSupplier number of received credit note.
internalNumberInternal number of received credit note.
dateDocument date.
costPositionCost position.
supplierSupplier name.

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteDelete">
       <parameter name="number" value="055/11" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>   <! Possible errors: Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named "number" is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 055/11, Can not delete. Found 3  received credit note with number 055,


Get list of received credit notes for specified criteria.


numberSuppliers number
internalNumberInternal number
dateFromThe date which is used to select received credit notes whose date is following it
dateToThe date which is used to select received credit notes whose date is preceding it
supplierSupplier code or name
costPositionCost position code
paymentAmountPayment amount of the document
paymentCurrencyPayment currency of document
articleProduct code, or product name

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteList">
       <parameter name="number" value="123456" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteList">
       <parameter name="dateFrom" value="2021-05-01" />
    <parameter name="dateTo" value="2021-05-26" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                <!-- structure of received credit note data is the same as in ReceivedCreditNoteGet
                <!-- structure of received credit note data is the same as in ReceivedCreditNoteGet

Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Invalid search keys, invalid values, no privileges,  


Add image/attachment to received credit note.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentAdd">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to received credit note 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents


Add attachment to received credit note and set it as default.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentSetDefault">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />
       <parameter name="attachment">
               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64...</contents>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
       <message>Successfully added attachment att.jpg to received credit note 2020-00001.</message>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 2020-00001, Parameter <attachment> is missing, Parameter <attachment> cannot parse contents


Get default attachment of received credit note.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentGet">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 2020-00001 received credit note does not have attachemnts.


Get all images/attachments of received credit note.


numberDocument number. Can use sequential document number (example: 2), or formated number (example: 2016-00002)
dateDocument date
costPositionCost position/cost center
businessUnitBusiness unit

Example request and response

POST /WebServicesSI/API HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Content-Length: 410
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<login username="micka" md5pass="ddb43e9f119c6805f4770ecc4f6466ba" token="E7DF3E6E94FB4579BBA8F54979010B5C" />
<method name="ReceivedCreditNoteAttachmentList">
       <parameter name="number" type="String" value="2020-00001" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="ok" >
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">1BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">2BASE64</contents>
                               <contents encoding="BASE64">3BASE64</contents>
Response on error
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<response status="error" >
       <error description=""><error/>  <!-- Possible errors:  Access denied. User account does not have sufficient privileges for the given request, Parameter named <number> is required, Can not find received credit note for number: 2020-00001 received credit note does not have attachemnts.

Reference na stran

Zadnja sprememba 18.11.2021 16:15:52
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